Friday, June 11, 2010

DID and Tila: The alter, "Jane." (Part 2)

Hypothetically, let’s say that Tila does have dissociative identity disorder (which stems from childhood abuse and has to in order for her story to make any sense whatsoever). We’ll agree that she’s undergone the proper psychological examinations and has been in psychotherapy for at least a few months at a time, starting at least 12 years ago, when Tila was 16 ½ years old. (According to Tweets, “Jane” declared that she was around 10 years before Beyonce came out with “I Am… Sasha Fierce” which made its debut in 2008. From my understanding, “Jane” hadn’t made herself public before November of 2008.)

Because that – therapy – is how people discover that they are a multiple. I would really have to argue the theory that Tila is such a special snowflake that she is able to have such insight into the complex inner workings of her mind all on her own, without any help whatsoever from a professional outside source who is able to make such determinations – and, moreover, not just a moron who listened to “I Am… Sasha Fierce” too many times that they became consumed with the “really cool” idea of creating an alter ego.

Robert Oxnam, a successful China scholar and president of the Asia Society, is a well-known multiple. He even wrote down his story in his inspiring memoir. In it, he discusses how he never knew that he had DID until one of his alters, Tommy, lashed out at his psychiatrist during a session. That session, by the way, was going to be the last of Robert’s years of therapy. For alcoholism.

So let’s just agree, for now, that Tila’s able to check everything off of the list that would make her aware of her supposed dissociative identity disorder. We’ll roll our eyes and say that Jane really does exist. Just for now.

Jane is the alter that carved “chunks of meet” (not to be confused with chunks her baby) out of Tila’s arm. I assume her name came about because Tila, according to her website, considers herself a “plain-Jane,” despite obvious glaring contradictions that can be swept under the rug if you want to claim DID. (“Quite frankly, I was a bad kid,” Tila says, admitting she was also a plain-Jane tomboy. “I was lost, truly lost. I had no good role models, no one to really look after me. I ran around doing my own thing without a set group of friends to lean on.”) So it is Jane the hardcore hood rat… and she wears bandannas over her face and puts air guns to her head and talks really crazy ghetto bullshit that makes sense to no one else but her. (Video of “Jane” here.)

(Incidentally, there are more “alters” including one named Little Tila, who – being little enough to fit in a toilet – would of course know how to use the word “excruciating.” (Via ONTD.) Impressive for someone who, according to her official website, “grew up in Houston, Texas in an environment that mimicked many immigrant families who moved from poorer countries to the United States.” Little Tila even spelled e x c r u c i a t i n g correctly, though she did miss “meet.”)

I realize that this is probably really hard to follow but, for now, stick with me. Stick with me even though “Jane’s” words don’t fly out fluidly but, rather, the entire monologue seems like really terrible improvisation. The kind that would get people to roll their eyes at you in improv class because you are just so incredibly lame at it. And disregarding the fact that not all alters necessarily dress themselves up, we’ll continue along. So… Jane is a real alter of Tila’s. Clearly, Tila would be fully aware of Jane at this point, as she has “personally” referenced her in the past. Two questions:

a. How did everything but the computer and webcam get destroyed?

b. Why would Tila, fully aware that her alter tried to kill her, immediately get online in order to play show-and-tell with the public?

All right. Let’s also say that there’s some legitimate excuse for the camera and everything being just fine. I don’t know, maybe it occurred in a different room. (Disregard all proof about dates of pictures and things that TRS has discovered already.) But then that leaves b. Why would Tila air such dirty laundry? It’s difficult to really hit the nail on the forehead because I don’t personally have the same issues as Tila. Because no one shares her mind, the only thing to do is start looking at the big picture close up. Like Robert Oxnam, Tila does seem to be fractured (but not necessarily split). She does not behave the way that ‘regular’ people behave. Not everyone else is constantly on their social networking sites, posting such elaborate fantasies dreamed up in their minds that they then go on to call reality. Not everyone else would go out of their way to make up an elaborate hoax, knowing full well that the majority of her fans are young, impressionable, and eager to soak up her drama because she’s the lady from television who says that she’s rich and famous all for doing wild and crazy things that anyone with half a brain could do. Even them. Look at it from their perspective: in the eyes of her fans, Tila is really cool. She’s an adult because she lives alone and has money and gets to go to glitzy red carpet events but she’s “fun” enough to share all of the intimate details of celebrity world with them just as long as they promise to keep loving her and feeding her attention and lingering on each and every word she types. Because these are kids. Or perverts. Either way, it’s a mutual addiction and neither side is willing to let go. Not just yet.

Now, what does worry me is this: if Tila really does have dissociative identity disorder, why isn’t she getting help for it? And, if she is getting help, why keep that a secret when only the crazy stuff gets posted? Why would she stop there and not give full details? It is possible – maybe not probable – that those feelings in her therapy sessions are just too raw to be shared so she has to act out her weird impulses in other ways. Or maybe one of her alters is really stopping her from opening those gates to everyone. It could be that she has to fake everything because she needs to keep what really happened to her hidden from everyone else. It could be that she always wants to be pregnant so she could save that child from harm. And it could be that she legitimately tricks herself into believing that she’s pregnant because she so badly wants to take care of that part of herself that she had to dissociate away from during that first trauma. But those are only theories.

Maybe, probably, she’s just a huge liar, one who is so obsessed with fame that she’s not ashamed of showcasing how terribly she is willing to ruin anything – her well-being and the well-being of others – in order to be “famous.”

The people who Tila really needs to thank are the ones who alerted the proper authorities about “Jane’s” antics – like The RotSpot’s Fatty McFatterson, for example. Because it’s so hard to sort out the truths from the lies, Fatty went out of her way to make sure that what was posted was looked into. Yes, to us it is absurd that Tila is now going out of her way to bash the person(s) responsible for getting her the right kind of attention. To her, it makes perfect sense because (a) she may really need those walls placed around her alter palace, or (b) she’s all pissed off that her ploy for more media attention got all pissed on and, damnit, it’s just not any fair at all! ::huge tantrum::.

If you’re not exhausted from all of that hypothetical stuff and could put yourself through a bit more, I’ll carry on for just a few moments longer. There is a legitimate possibility that Tila does have dissociative identity disorder and is genuinely mortified that she got in actual trouble for it instead of being safe inside her mind, inside her body, inside her private home where real-life things happen. And because that real world got affected, she could have dissociated back into the part of her that says crazy and outlandish things to divert attention. Why not go after something even more insane to comprehend than Tila’s mind – the “Illuminati.” It’s a decent enough risk to take, given the huge popularity of the artists she has ripped into. In Tila’s mind, this works perfectly because she doesn’t see her “thoughts” for what they really are: delusions.

Because Tila has cried wolf so many times, she’s going to continue to be outed. She’s going to continue being outed because she can’t stop lying, saying crazy things, and buying into urban legends. Because she thinks that this is all going to keep her famous, and that’s what she’s aiming for, DID or not. But, in time, everyone is going to get sick of her. I predict that’ll be her rock bottom… but who knows for sure when it comes to Tila?

Now that all of the hypothetical stuff is over, it is time to move on from DID (at least for now) and try to keep up with what’s going on in the exhausting world of Tila Tequila.


  1. I found my way here because of Tila's current antics, she is now Tornado Thien, the prophet of God. Anyway I found an article about Tila which I know little about, and it was on her anyersm and it mentioned the DID which I found interesting because I was once diagnosed. The name was changed from MPD to DID because not everyone has full alters. It's just varying states of dissasociative behavior that is used as a coping skill to traumatic experiences. Everyone disassociates to a degree. Ever forget where you put your keys; the ones you just had in your hand. It's a coping mechanism to stress in essence. We get diagnosed when it starts causing problems in our lives. Tila could maybe be or she could not who knows.

  2. I found my way here because of Tila's current antics, she is now Tornado Thien, the prophet of God. Anyway I found an article about Tila which I know little about, and it was on her anyersm and it mentioned the DID which I found interesting because I was once diagnosed. The name was changed from MPD to DID because not everyone has full alters. It's just varying states of dissasociative behavior that is used as a coping skill to traumatic experiences. Everyone disassociates to a degree. Ever forget where you put your keys; the ones you just had in your hand. It's a coping mechanism to stress in essence. We get diagnosed when it starts causing problems in our lives. Tila could maybe be or she could not who knows.
